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Penikmat Koleksi tahun ini
Pengunjung terbaik kami, ada di sini. Nama dan foto Anda juga bisa muncul di sini. Rajin-rajinlah berkunjung dan membaca

NCE Library

National College of Engineering (NCE), affiliated to Tribhuvan University, stands out as one of the Nepal’s premier institutions for engineering education.  Its establishment in 2001 was led by a committed group of experienced university educators and professionals. In a fiercely competitive world, our motivation is rooted in serving the educational sector rather than solely prioritizing commercial interests. All our endeavors thus far have been dedicated to cultivating skilled graduates equipped with essential knowledge and abilities. We trust that you will discover an environment at the college that fosters your growth. We extend an invitation to join us in our mission to create an institution of eminence, forming a dependable alliance in the journey toward realizing this honorable aspiration.Address: Talchhikhel Bishal Chowk Marg, Lalitpur 44700Phone: 01-5151387